Criminal Market Capture
Drug markets are the most profitable illicit markets, why do criminal organizations seek to capture the market for shellfish, avocados, or lemons?
Peer Reviewed Publications:
"How Climate Change Affects Organized Criminal Group Behavior", Studies in Comparative International Development, 58(1):29-54, 2023
Criminal Governance Strategies
Criminal governance--de facto control of different aspects of populations' lives, economic, political, social--encompasses a wide variety of strategies, some are violent, others are not, what explains this variation?
Peer Reviewed Publications:
"Uruguay 2023: Security as a Persistent Challenge and the Decline of Non-policy Politics as a Political Asset," Revista de Ciencia Politica
Work in progress:
"Criminal Governance in Uruguay", with Gustavo Diaz, Ines Fynn, and Veronica Perez
Media coverage: